Totally Well Podcast

Totally Well Podcast - Joyce Strong - Episode 115 - Jennifer Tracy

Episode Summary

Totally Well Podcast - Joyce Strong - Episode 115 - Jennifer Tracy, Author, Speaker & Coach

Episode Notes

Totally Well is a place where we get curious, ask questions and explore everything to do with health, wellness, fitness, personal development, helping people and all the things it takes to help you live a strong, joyous life.

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My guest in this episode of Totally Well Podcast - Joyce Strong - Episode 115 is Jennifer Tracy.

Reach out to Jennifer at

Get Jennifer Tracy's book here:  Inside "The Mind" of Suicide-Full Color Workbook Edition: From deepest darkness... to the light of Hope

Jennifer Tracy is a National speaker, author, and a highly sought after mental health coach with a mission to save lives. 

With courage and grit, she continues to change communities' one life at a time. Jennifer knows pain, the pain of burying a husband and child. The pain of being diagnosed with PTSD and the shame, regret, and confusion that follows that diagnosis. However, she also knows that the same pain that could destroy you can also be channeled to create lasting positive change. 

Reach out to Jennifer today if you have found yourself struggling silently with thoughts of suicide, grief, poor mental health, addiction, or PTSD. She will no doubt inspire you to find life on the other side.

Jennifer Tracy was also a guest on my other podcast, Rock Bottom Syndicate.  Listen to that episode herel